Japanese Research

8th Invitees (2013)

List of Invitees to the 8th Hakuho Foundation Japanese Fellowship

A total of eight researchers from Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Singapore, USA and Vietnam were invited to participate in the Hakuho Japanese Language Research Fellowship Program (now Hakuho Foundation Japanese Research Fellowship).

Invitee Shoji AZUMA (U.S.A.)
Professor, University of Utah
Research Subject Is globalization changing the Japanese of communication? An analysis of speech styles among political and business leaders in Japan
Duration Oct 1, 2013-Aug 31, 2014
Receiving Organization National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
Invitee DEDI Sutedi (Indonesia)
Associate Professor, Indonesia University of Education
Research Subject Contrastive Analysis of Japanese and Indonesian Passive Sentences
Duration Oct 1, 2013-Sep 30, 2014
Receiving Organization Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Invitee Razaul Karim FAQUIRE (Bangladesh)
Associate Professor, Institute of Modern Languages, University of Dhaka
Research Subject A Comparative Study between the Relative Clause of Japanese and Bengali: A Morpho-Syntactic Analysis
Duration Oct 1, 2013-Sep 30, 2014
Receiving Organization National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
Invitee Kazumi HATASA (U.S.A.)
Professor, Purdue University
Research Subject Development of content-based language teaching materials in intermediate to advanced level Japanese on Japanese food and culinary culture
Duration Oct 1, 2013-Mar 31, 2014
Receiving Organization Waseda University
Invitee Emi MORITA (Singapore)
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
Research Subject Japanese Linguistics for Japanese Studies as a component of Area Studies
Duration Apr 1, 2014-Sep 30, 2014
Receiving Organization Ochanomizu University
Invitee PHAM Hoang Hung (Vietnam)
Lecturer, Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH),Vietnam National University (VNU)-Hanoi
Research Subject The new Kanji from late Edo to early Meiji period in Japan and its impact on modern Vietnamese
Duration Oct 1, 2013-Mar 31, 2014
Receiving Organization Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Invitee TSULBAATAR Onon (Mongolia)
Senior Lecturer, School of Mongolian Language and Culture, National University of Mongolia
Research Subject Interpreting some idioms in Japanese through cultural approach
Duration Oct 1, 2013-Mar 31, 2013
Receiving Organization Waseda University
Invitee YAO Yan Ling (China)
Professor, Dalian University of Foreign Languages
Research Subject A Cognitive-typological study of transitivity in Japanese and Chinese
Duration Apr 1, 2014-Sep 30, 2014
Receiving Organization Ochanomizu University

*Invitee titles current at time of selection of Fellows.

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