Message from the Chairman
The Hakuho Foundation was established in 1970, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Hakuhodo. The aim was to assist with Japanese language education for children, and to help mold children into well-rounded adults through research. Over the course of almost 50 years since then, we have been working continually to support and recognize the teachers and researchers who work hard day-in day-out in the classroom, based on the themes of child education and language education.
Educating children has always been the cornerstone of our society, and that still applies today. Enabling children to grow through education plays a crucial role in shaping a better, richer society.
With the continuing march of globalization however, and the constant evolution of digital technology, we now live in a world that keeps on changing at a dizzying pace. As people are living beyond the age of 100 too, the future is increasingly becoming the subject of debate in areas such as careers and education. With such major changes going on around us, and faced with an uncertain future, we need to rediscover the meaning and importance of education.
In 2020, we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Hakuho Foundation. While continuing with activities based on our current themes of language, children and education, we intend to take a fresh look at how we can contribute to society, with our sights set on the next 50 years.
I hope you will continue to follow and support our activities in the future.

Junji Narita Chairman, Hakuho Foundation